Enhancing public health and workplace safety measures in the provincewide shutdown
Source: www.ontario.ca The information contained in this document is intended to communicate a summary of information about measures proposed to come into effect in Ontario or in areas of Ontario between Tuesday January 12, 2021 and Thursday, January 14, 2021. The material is not legal advice and does not purport to be or to provide an interpretation of the law. In the event of any conflict or difference between this summary information and any applicable legislation or regulation, the legislation or regulation prevails. Context: provincewide shutdown COVID-19covid 19 morbidity (illness) and mortality (death) are at the highest levels since the start of the pandemic. Growth in COVID-19covid 19 cases has accelerated and is over 7% on the worst days. Daily mortality is increasing under current restrictions and is projected to double from 50 to 100 deaths per day between now and end of February. Escalating case counts have led to increasing hospitalization rates and ICU occupancy which has resulted in further disruptions to scheduled surgeries and procedures. ICU occupancy is now over 400 beds and is projected to be approximately 500 beds by mid-January/approximately 1,000 beds by early February in more severe, but realistic scenarios. Despite restrictions, a substantial minority of people in high-rate regions are acting in a way that will increase COVID-19covid 19 transmission. Urgent action is…