attracting employees

32% of Canadian SMEs facing challenges in attracting employees: survey

Source: Nearly a third (32 per cent) of Canadian small- and medium-sized employers are currently facing challenges in attracting employees, according to a new survey by ADP Canada. The survey, which polled more than 750 Canadian business decision-makers and employees from SMEs, found, among those that reported difficulty attracting and retaining talent, 69 per cent said they’re taking action to combat it, including with compensation (29 per cent), flexibility (26 per cent) and increased benefits (20 per cent). However, 49 per cent reported not feeling worried about their ability to compete. Indeed, 21 per cent of SMEs cited having to let employees go due to inflation. More than half (53 per cent) reported feeling negatively about the Canadian economy and 19 per cent said the current economy was a primary source of stress. Notably, 47 per cent of respondents said they still feel optimistic, despite the current economic climate.   Read more of this article…