
For decades, the term “work-life balance” has been touted as the ideal state that all professionals should strive for—a harmonious equilibrium between the demands of work and the joys of life.

But this notion is deeply flawed—a myth that sets us up for perpetual dissatisfaction. Perhaps it is time for leaders to discard the fallacy of work-life balance and embrace a more realistic approach to integrating work and life.

The Myth of Balance
The concept of work-life balance emerged in the 1980s, popularized by the women’s liberation movement, which rightfully sought better working conditions, including maternity leave and flexible work schedules.

While these objectives were crucial, the idea of balance itself became an oversimplified solution to a complex problem. It suggests a binary relationship between work and life, as if they are two opposing forces that need to be balanced on a scale. In reality, work and life are not distinct entities—they are deeply intertwined.


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